An internship with Margo Selby
Started: January 2019
Finished: May 2019
I've always wanted to work with a weaver focusing on interiors so Margo Selby was the perfect company to finish my placement year with.

Scrolling through Instagram, I found that Margo Selby was going to be at the trade show, Top Drawer in London. So I immediately got myself a ticket to go down, see the show and ask if she took on interns for some industry experience. A year later I found myself back at Top Drawer and part of Margo's team!

Being part of Margo's team has given me such an insight to see how a smaller business works, in comparison to Tetrad.
My responsibilities involved a variety of admin, weaving, photography, exhibition set ups, running the studio shop, preparing fabric for production, conducting quality checks and overseeing dispatch of products from their studio in Whitstable.

While working at Margo, I definitely felt so inspired to get back to university and start creating again.
The overall year has given me a fantastic insight into different companies, and how they each manufacture and sell products.